
Eyebrow Transplantation

Eyebrow Transplantation

Some people may underestimate the importance of eyebrows in facial features, although they can enhance the appearance of the eyes and make them look more beautiful, increasing a woman's attractiveness and confidence. Often, using makeup to fill in the gaps between the eyebrows daily can be tiring, so some women go for eyebrow transplantation.

What is an eyebrow hair transplant?
An eyebrow hair transplant is a procedure in which the eyebrow hair is thickened or reshaped by transplanting hair. This procedure involves transferring hair follicles from the scalp to the eyebrow area to increase hair density or reshape and redefine the eyebrows. The doctor performs the surgery using the follicular unit extraction (FUE) technique.

Reasons for getting an eyebrow hair transplant:
1. Desire for permanent eyebrow hair density without daily makeup application.
2. Reshaping the eyebrows after losing their original shape due to accidents or burns.
3. Restoring eyebrows after experiencing hair loss due to conditions like alopecia areata.
4. Desire to have symmetrical eyebrows.

Preoperative guidelines for eyebrow hair transplant:
1. The doctor may request some medical tests needed before the procedure.
2. The reason for eyebrow hair loss or thinning is determined.
3. The doctor determines the number of hair follicles needed to achieve the desired density.
4. The doctor shows you the desired shape before reshaping or transplanting the hair.
5. Avoid smoking before and during the recovery period.
6. Stop taking medications that cause blood thinning before the surgery to reduce the risk of bleeding.
7. Avoid applying cosmetics before the procedure and ensure the cleanliness of the scalp and face.

Eyebrow hair transplant procedure steps:
1. Before the transplant, Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy will determine the eyebrow shape, taking into account the patient's preferences, and draw the eyebrows to identify the areas where the hair will be transplanted.
2. This procedure is usually done under local anesthesia injected directly under the skin, as it is a minor procedure that does not require general anesthesia.
3. The doctor extracts the hair follicles from the back of the head one by one using the FUE method after sterilizing this area, then prepares and preserves them properly until the transplant appointment.
4. Then, tiny incisions are made using a very small scalpel to transplant these follicles one by one.
5. Finally, the hair follicles are transplanted into these incisions to achieve the desired density and shape, but with specific angles to provide more natural results and create a suitable growth angle for a natural appearance.
6. The procedure takes several hours depending on the amount of hair to be transplanted, which varies from case to case, and Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, a specialist in plastic surgery and hair transplant, ensures the best medical team to assist him and reduces the duration of the procedure.

Postoperative guidelines after eyebrow hair transplant:
1. Avoid touching or applying any cosmetics to the eyebrows during the recovery period.
2. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight for several days after the transplant to speed up the healing process.
3. Avoid smoking and ensure an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals to provide sufficient nutrients for the transplanted hair.
4. Also, avoid exposure to heat, such as standing in the kitchen.
5. You can enhance the density of your eyebrows after the transplant by applying some natural oils to promote healthy hair growth, such as olive or almond oil.
6. Ensure an adequate intake of vitamins and protein to support hair growth.

Side effects of eyebrow hair transplant:
1. Some swelling and redness that subsides after a short period.
2. Irritation or swelling of the eyes or around the eyes, but this swelling disappears after about a week.
3. Some pain and headaches, which are treatable with some painkillers prescribed by the doctor.

The recovery period after eyebrow hair transplant:
The side effects of the procedure will disappear after about a week, but you can resume your normal life after about three days. The results start to appear gradually within several months as the eyebrows' hair grows fully and naturally without retransplantation. The growth stages start after the natural shedding phase that occurs during the first six weeks after the transplant.
Eyebrow hair transplantation prices:
The prices vary depending on the number of hair follicles to be transplanted and the specific case of each individual. Additionally, costs include hospital expenses, doctor's fees, and the medical team's assistance. The price increases with more hair follicles transplanted to achieve the desired aesthetic appearance.

Benefits of eyebrow hair transplantation with Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy:
Correcting distorted eyebrow appearance.
Enjoying attractive eyebrows, even for those with a genetic tendency to lose them.
Improving the facial image for those who have lost their eyebrows due to injuries, burns, aging, or specific treatments.
Getting natural-looking eyebrows.
Generally a safe procedure with minimal complications.
Better option compared to traditional methods like eyebrow tattoos because it achieves more natural results than drawn or unnatural-looking tattoos.
Provides long-lasting and permanent results, especially when performed by a professional like Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, a plastic and hair transplant surgery specialist.
The procedure does not leave any scars as it doesn't involve any surgical incisions.
Enhances facial features and allows natural hair growth in the future.

Results of Hair Transplantation:
Eyebrow transplantation achieves impressive results for many people, providing a definitive solution to a significant aesthetic and psychological issue. Its impact on a person's external appearance is substantial. Successful results depend on the step of selecting the most skilled doctor to perform the procedure and the level of competence and experience he possess. The doctor to consult for eyebrow transplantation is Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, a specialist in plastic surgery and hair transplantation.

The procedure takes 2 to 4 hours, as mentioned earlier, and local anesthesia is sufficient as it is painless. Thus, the patient can leave shortly after the eyebrow hair transplant, once he receive all the instructions and guidance for the recovery phase and follow up with Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy.

The patient may notice the formation of some small pinkish scabs around the transplanted hair, starting from the second day of the transplant and until the end of the first week. These scabs will disappear quickly after one week of surgery, as long as the doctor's instructions are strictly followed. Also, it is normal for the transplanted hair to shed two weeks after the procedure. After two months of eyebrow transplantation, hair will start growing again, and the final results will last a lifetime.

Eyebrow transplantation is a simple technique to achieve permanently thick eyebrows without any worrisome side effects. For more information about eyebrow transplantation and consulting the best doctor for body sculpting and hair transplantation, Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, please contact us.

This content has been reviewed by Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, a consultant in cosmetic surgery, body contouring, and natural hair transplantation.