
Dynamic Sculpting to Highlight the Abdominal Muscles (Six Packs)

Dynamic Sculpting to Highlight the Abdominal Muscles (Six Packs)

Many women and men desire a well-toned body, especially men who seek ways to highlight their abdominal muscles. However, strenuous exercise and strict diets may not achieve six-pack muscles. As a result, some individuals go for alternative medical methods, such as dynamic sculpting, also known as 4D sculpting. This technique involves suctioning fat from specific areas of localized obesity and injecting some of this fat into targeted areas to highlight the body’s muscles. In this article, we will learn more about the procedure, its benefits, and who is a suitable candidate.
Candidates for dynamic body sculpting:
This technique is ideal for those who follow a healthy lifestyle or seek to do so. Certain conditions must be met to undergo this type of sculpting. These conditions include:
Being approximately 30% above your ideal weight.
Having mild to moderately loose skin or no significant sagging.
Having accumulated fat in specific areas of the body rather than overall body fat.
Being a non-smoker or being able to quit smoking for some time.
Desiring to achieve the ideal figure and remove stubborn fat from specific body areas.
Areas that can be sculpted:
Dynamic body sculpting can remove fat from multiple areas, such as:
Abdomen and waist.
How is dynamic sculpting performed to highlight the abdominal muscles?
The procedure begins with injecting the abdominal area with saline and a local anesthetic solution. Dr. Ahmed Makkawy then performs an extremely small surgical incision in the abdominal area, no larger than 1 cm. Through this surgical incision, he inserts a cannula connected to a VASER device, which will direct ultrasound waves that dissolve the fat and turn it into a liquid substance that is easy to withdraw from the body later. It also stimulates the skin to produce the collagen necessary for its contraction after sculpting, helping to treat any mild sagging. After melting the fat, Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy inserts a thin medical tube to suction the fat from the abdomen. Finally, the surgical incision is closed with cosmetic sutures and covered with medical dressings. Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy may also place a drainage tube next to the incision to remove excess fluids and prevent their accumulation. After the liposuction stage, the fat is filtered and sterilized, then filled into syringes for injection into the desired areas. The injection process usually involves local anesthesia only and does not take much time.
Recovery period after dynamic sculpting of abdominal muscles:
Most cases can return to work and resume their daily activities within a few days. It is advisable to avoid strenuous exercise and intense physical exertion for several weeks. They may notice some swelling, bruising, and discomfort for a while, but they can manage them with mild pain relievers prescribed by Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy.
Tips from Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy for better recovery usually include:
Start walking as soon as possible to reduce swelling and bruising.
Massage the abdominal area for at least half an hour daily to stimulate blood circulation and prevent clots and fluid accumulation.
Consume plenty of vegetables and fruits, and drink adequate amounts of water.
Wear a medical compression garment for several weeks to prevent body clots and fluid accumulation.
Usually, the stitches are removed after one to two weeks from the sculpting procedure, and during this period, Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy will prescribe some medications, including:
Antibiotics to prevent any infections.
Anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce redness and irritation around the incision.
Antihistamines to alleviate itching and discomfort.
What are the benefits of dynamic sculpting of the abdominal muscles?
It does not require a large surgical incision and does not leave scars or marks after the procedure.
It can be done in a single session, and the patient can go home immediately afterward as it does not require general anesthesia.
It saves time and money compared to other cosmetic methods.
There are some frequently asked questions about dynamic sculpting of abdominal muscles, including:
Can dynamic sculpting be performed to get rid of excessive weight?
Dynamic sculpting is ideal for individuals whose body fat is less than fifty percent to ensure the best possible results. The 4D body sculpting technique aims to tighten and sculpt the body rather than eliminate or treat excessive weight. Therefore, it is preferable to have a relatively stable and steady weight without excessive obesity before undergoing body sculpting.
Are there any risks or complications after dynamic sculpting of abdominal muscles?
So far, no risks or complications have been reported after 4D abdominal muscle sculpting. It is a completely safe technique, and since it does not require a large surgical incision, there is no blood loss or bleeding, and it does not leave any scars behind.
What is the cost of dynamic sculpting of abdominal muscles?
The cost of the procedure varies depending on several factors, including:
The volume and amount of fat to be removed.
The density of the fat, as fat in men tends to be thicker than in women, requiring more effort to remove.
The type of procedure, whether regular sculpting or high-definition sculpting.
The average cost of liposuction using VASER technology is approximately USD 6,300. The cost varies from one country to another. In Egypt, it is considered low and relatively cheaper than in European countries, ranging from USD 1,200 to USD 2,100 only.
Results of the dynamic sculpting of abdominal muscles:
You can notice the sculpting results immediately after the procedure, and the final results start to appear within approximately 8 weeks. These results usually continue to improve over the following months until they stabilize permanently and reach the ideal shape of Six-Pack abs. Swelling begins to disappear, and the skin starts to shrink over about six months. The results can last as long as you maintain a stable weight without sudden increases. For more information about the dynamic sculpting of abdominal muscles, you can contact us or book a consultation with Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, a plastic surgery and body sculpting specialist and the best plastic surgeon and hair transplant doctor in Egypt.

This content has been reviewed by Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, a consultant in cosmetic surgery, body contouring, and natural hair transplantation.