
Neck Lift

Neck Lift

Loss of skin elasticity and the appearance of sagging in the neck can occur due to several reasons and factors, including genetics, psychological and emotional stress, and aging. Therefore, some people go for neck lift procedures through filler and Botox injections, cosmetic threads, or surgical neck lift procedures. In this article, we will explore the different methods of neck lift, their benefits, and their results. How are they performed? Read on to find out.

Why neck lift procedures are performed?
Get rid of accumulated fat and excess skin in the neck and chin area, and treat double chin.
To sculpt, reshape, and define the neck, chin, and jawline.

Neck lift with Botox and fillers:
This procedure involves injecting the neck area with appropriate amounts of Botox and fillers in different neck areas. Botox works to relax the areas with wrinkles and sagging, while fillers fill in these areas after smoothing out the existing wrinkles. This procedure does not take a long time and does not require a recovery period. The patient can resume his daily activities immediately after the injections.
After Botox and filler injections for the neck:
Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy advises complete rest and avoiding vigorous movements to prevent the injected substances from shifting.
It is preferable to avoid looking downward and lifting the head to ensure the stability of the injected substances.
It is recommended not to rub the injected areas.
The results of the procedure may take several days to appear.

Neck lift with laser:
Laser treatment helps eliminate sagging and excess fat in the neck by melting fat and tightening loose skin, removing layers of dead skin, and stimulating collagen production. The patient needs to undergo several laser sessions before achieving the final results. The number of sessions varies depending on the patient's condition and the degree of sagging in the neck area.

Neck lift with threads:
A neck lift with cosmetic threads aims to eliminate mild to moderate wrinkles and sagging in the neck. Some cases also go for this technique to address the issue of double chins. The cost of a neck lift with cosmetic threads by Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, a plastic surgery consultant specializing in body sculpting and natural hair transplantation, starts at $680 and varies depending on each case.

How is neck tightening done with cosmetic threads?
First, Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy applies local anesthesia to the neck and the surrounding area before inserting the threads. 
The neck area is sterilized, making sure the anesthetic is effective.
Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy inserts cosmetic threads either through tiny incisions around the neck or by injecting the threads into the neck.
The threads are then tightened backwards to lift the sagging skin and eliminate wrinkles.
This procedure does not take a long time, and you can leave the hospital or doctor's clinic immediately after the threads are inserted.
After a neck lift with cosmetic threads:
You can observe the immediate results of neck tightening with cosmetic threads, and the recovery period does not exceed a few days. Additionally, Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy will provide you with instructions and necessary tips for a speedy recovery, such as:
Ensuring complete rest for several days to minimize swelling and bruising as much as possible.
Paying attention to staying hydrated and consuming plenty of vitamins and minerals during recovery to facilitate quick healing of bruises and scars.
Adhering to the medications prescribed by Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy to prevent any infections.
You may experience some pain, especially after the anesthesia wears off, but these pains can be minimized and overcome with painkillers prescribed by Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy. Within a few days, you will be able to resume your daily activities normally while ensuring to visit the doctor at the specified follow-up appointments.

Surgical neck lift procedure for neck sagging:
A neck lift is a surgical cosmetic procedure that helps you appear younger. Patients may need to undergo a surgical neck lift when sagging and wrinkles have reached a significant level where other solutions are not viable. Additionally, supplementary procedures can be performed alongside a neck lift, such as an eyebrow lift, fat transfer to add volume to the cheeks and lips, and an eyelid lift to effectively improve the appearance of the eyes.
Who are the candidates for neck lift surgery?
Some of the conditions that must be met by candidates for neck lift surgery include:
Being in good health and not suffering from any chronic illnesses that may hinder the procedure.
Being a non-smoker or being able to quit smoking before and during the recovery period.
Before neck lift surgery:
Before undergoing a neck lift, there are some procedures that your doctor will perform, including:
Initially, the doctor will assess your health condition and determine the likelihood of experiencing any side effects during recovery.
He will discuss your options and how this cosmetic procedure will be performed, examine your facial features, and take some photographs.
He will create a detailed treatment plan during the recovery period.
He will discuss the type of anesthesia used and the expected outcomes of the procedure.
You may perform some tests and examinations and informed to stop smoking.
Avoid medications and supplements that promote blood thinning, such as aspirin, to minimize the risk of bleeding as much as possible.
What are the steps of neck lift surgery?
Initially, Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy performs a surgical incision around the ear, reaching the jaw area and below it. Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy works on suctioning excess fat and removing excess skin. Then, he tightens the remaining skin and trims the excess skin before closing the surgical incision. Finally, the incision is closed with cosmetic stitches and medical dressings to cover the wound. These wounds heal over time and are usually hidden within the folds of the neck, making them difficult to notice afterward. You can also observe the initial results immediately. The results continue to improve over time as swelling and bruising disappear, and they last as long as there is sufficient skin elasticity. These results ensure a more youthful appearance without any wrinkles or sagging for a long period.
Recovery period after neck lift surgery:
Immediately after the completion of the lift procedure, dressings will be applied around the formed wound and carefully wrapped to minimize the appearance of swelling and bruising as much as possible.
Now that we have learned about the different techniques for neck lift surgery, have you ever thought about getting rid of neck sagging? Do you want to enjoy a younger appearance? Do you want to know which technique is optimal for your case?
If yes, do not hesitate to book an appointment with Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, a consultant in plastic surgery, body sculpting, and natural hair transplantation. He is the best plastic and hair transplant doctor in Egypt. He will evaluate your case and help you choose the best procedure, as the available neck lift techniques now guarantee satisfactory and long-lasting results.

This content has been reviewed by Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, a consultant in cosmetic surgery, body contouring, and natural hair transplantation.