
Autologous Fat Injection for Body Contouring

Autologous Fat Injection for Body Contouring

Achieving a well-proportioned body without localized fat deposits can be challenging without strict dieting or consistent exercise. However, other methods yield permanent results. In this article, you will learn about autologous fat injection and how it can help eliminate localized fat.
What is autologous fat injection?
Autologous fat injection is a procedure in which fat is suctioned from areas with localized fat deposits and then reinjected into areas that require augmentation or enhancement. Liposuction can be performed in multiple areas, and the collected fat can be redistributed to other areas to achieve the desired hourglass figure.
Areas suitable for fat suctioning include:
Under the arms
Abdomen and waist
Areas suitable for fat injection include:
Buttocks and hips
Chest area
Cheeks, lips, and under the eyes
Reasons for undergoing autologous fat injection:
If you only have localized fat deposits and want to eliminate them for a well-proportioned body.
After significant weight loss, you may need fat injections in areas such as the chest and buttocks to restore their natural volume before the weight loss.
The desire to get a Brazilian butt lift or breast augmentation.
Injecting autologous fat into the hands removes wrinkles and makes them appear healthier.
Eliminating facial wrinkles and expression lines under the eyes, around the mouth, or on the forehead.
How is an autologous fat injection performed?
Autologous fat injection is performed in two stages: liposuction and fat injection.
Here's how each stage is carried out:
Liposuction stage:
Liposuction is performed with local or general anesthesia, depending on the case.
First, Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy makes some very small surgical incisions to insert the VASER and the suction tubes through them.
Then, he injects the areas to be liposuctioned with a saline solution and local anesthetic.
After that, he inserts the VASER tube and directs its ultrasound waves toward the fat to dissolve it and turn it into a liquid substance that is easy to suction.
The VASER also tightens the skin and stimulates collagen production so that the skin regains its elasticity and freshness after the suction process.
Finally, the doctor takes out the VASER tube and inserts a medical tube to suction the fat that has turned into a liquid substance, then closes the surgical incisions with some stitches and medical bandages.
Autologous fat injection stage:
Before injecting the fat, it is filtered and processed to remove impurities. Afterward, it is filled into specialized syringes for the doctor to inject into the desired areas for augmentation or wrinkle treatment.
Advantages of autologous fat injection:
It does not cause allergies, inflammation, or immune rejection, as it is a natural substance extracted from the body.
It is cost-effective compared to other techniques for body augmentation and wrinkle treatment.
Its results are permanent compared to other techniques that may last only for several months.
It provides a consistent texture with a natural feel compared to synthetic fillers or implants.
Recovery period after autologous fat injection:
The recovery period varies depending on the injected area and the amount of fat injected, but it generally does not exceed one week in all cases. Fat injection does not require dressings or surgical incisions; therefore, it does not require sutures or leave any scars behind. Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy recommends applying ice packs and cold compresses during recovery to reduce swelling and redness, which are common symptoms after fat injection.
Side effects of autologous fat injection:
Fat injection does not cause many side effects, but some of the side effects that may occur are:
Some swelling and redness go away after a short period and can be overcome with cold compresses.
Unevenness of the body due to some fat melting after being injected. Therefore, the doctor saves some of the fat by freezing to perform reinjection session in case some of the fat melts.
Inflammation or infection due to contamination of the injected fat is a rare symptom. Therefore, Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy is keen to carry out the injection process in the hospital due to the availability of an appropriate sterile environment that ensures no contamination or infection occurs.
Results of an autologous fat injection:
The results of autologous fat injection appear within a short period, and the results continue permanently as this fat becomes part of the injected area and is affected by weight gain or loss like any natural fat cells. Therefore, to maintain the results of the procedure, the doctor will advise you to keep your weight relatively stable, exercise periodically to preserve your ideal shape, and follow a healthy diet to ensure reaching the sufficient nutrients to the injected fat.
By adhering to the doctor's instructions, the results can last for a longer time. In some cases, fat injections can last between one and three years, while in other cases, they can last between three and five years. The sustainability of the results depends on the body's acceptance and stability of the injected fat in the treated area, followed by maintaining weight stability and selecting an appropriate dietary regimen.
Cost of autologous fat injection:
The cost of autologous fat injection depends on several factors, including the area from which the fat will be suctioned (whether it is a single area or multiple areas), the amount of fat to be suctioned and injected, and the hospital costs associated with the procedure. These factors vary from country to country based on the cost of living in that country. However, the cost of fat injection starts at $670 for a single area, including fat suction and reinjection. Suctioning fat from the abdomen and injecting it into other areas can start at $1600. In the end, determining the cost of a fat injection is up to the doctor after consulting him, and determining the areas from which fat will be suctioned, and the areas that will be injected with fat.
Areas Treated with Autologous Fat Injection:
Autologous fat injection for Brazilian butt lift:
The Brazilian butt lift is the latest standard of beauty, and women desire to have firm circular buttocks without sagging. Autologous fat injection provides a natural feeling after getting a Brazilian butt lift compared to silicone fillers, which are used for Brazilian butt lifts.
Autologous fat injection in the face:
There are several reasons to consider getting an autologous fat injection in the face, such as reducing wrinkles and expression lines under and around the eyes or on the forehead. It can also be used to fill the cheeks or lips and to treat scars and acne scars. The injection process takes about an hour and does not require a long recovery period. Cold compresses should be applied to the face during recovery to reduce swelling and redness.
Autologous fat injection in the breasts:
Some women prefer fat injection to increase breast size instead of silicone implants because it does not cause allergies, provides permanent results, and has a natural feel. Fat reinjection can be performed to enhance breast size and achieve the desired volume within three months of the injection.
Autologous fat injection under the eyes:
Autologous fat injection can treat wrinkles under and around the eyes, eliminate dark circles, and reduce eye bags. The results of fat injections last longer than other fillers and feel more natural.

Autologous fat injection for hands:
Hand injections with self-fat are considered the natural and ideal solution to get rid of wrinkles and visible veins in the hands and to make the skin look more youthful. Self-fat also helps to get rid of stains and impurities on the hands and to obtain even-toned skin.
There are some cases where the autologous fat injection is not possible:
Autologous fat injection relies on extracting fat from the patient's body and reinjecting it into the same patient. That is why autologous fat injection is impossible for very thin women who do not have excess fat or do not suffer from localized obesity. Additionally, fat cannot be transferred from one person to another, even among relatives, as the body will consider it foreign and reject it, causing it to dissolve within a month of the injection. Moreover, it may lead to inflammation and infection.
The process of autologous fat injection may require time to perform the suction process at first and then the injection process, but it is worth doing because it gives permanent results with the least amount of side effects and gives a natural appearance. For more information about autologous fat injection with Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, a plastic surgery and body sculpting consultant, for reservations and inquiries, contact us.

This content has been reviewed by Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, a consultant in cosmetic surgery, body contouring, and natural hair transplantation.