
4D Body Sculpture

4D Body Sculpture

Although traditional liposuction procedures have been effective in eliminating excess body fat and restoring the body to its natural shape, there are now more effective techniques that can help you achieve the same results with less surgical intervention and a shorter recovery period. Let's learn about the 4D body sculpting technique, its characteristics and its advantages.
What is VASER for liposuction and body sculpture?
One of the body sculpture and liposuction techniques is the VASER technique. This technique relies on ultrasound waves to dissolve the fat in the body and turn it into a liquid substance that can then be easily suctioned out, thus eliminating the fat cells responsible for local obesity. The VASER device can dissolve the fat to be eliminated without causing any damage to the blood vessels or the skin surrounding it, thanks to its high accuracy in determining the areas to be treated, in addition to the fact that it dissolves the fat through a very precise surgical incision that does not exceed 1 cm in diameter. VASER is also a painless technique that is usually performed using only local anesthesia.
4D body sculpture technique:
The 4D body sculpting technique, also known as high-definition body sculpting, can be achieved with minimal surgical intervention in just one session. Typically, the process involves suctioning fat from the areas to be treated, followed by reinjecting some of it into specific areas to enhance muscle definition and sculpt the body.
Areas treated with 4D body sculpture:
The 4D body sculpting technique can effectively eliminate excess fat in several precise areas, highlighting the muscles and tightening the skin to make the body appear more youthful and energetic. These areas include:
Abdomen and waist.
Chest (for men with gynecomastia treatment).
Chin and neck (for double chin treatment).
Candidates for 4D body sculpture:
Candidates for this technique should meet certain simple conditions, including:
Being in good health and not suffering from any chronic conditions that may hinder the sculpting process.
Having a relatively stable weight before undergoing any medical procedures.
Being less than 30% away from his ideal weight and not suffering from severe obesity.
Being a non-smoker or being able to quit smoking for a certain time.
Body sculpting techniques aim to achieve the ideal physique by removing some of the fat responsible for localized obesity rather than treating severe obesity or weight loss. In cases of severe obesity, Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy recommends losing some weight before undergoing the sculpting procedure once weight stabilization is achieved.
What happens during the 4D body sculpture procedure?
The 4D body sculpting procedure consists of two stages: liposuction and fat injection.
Liposuction stage:
The areas to be treated are injected with a mixture of saline solution and local anesthesia before starting.
After the local anesthesia takes effect, a surgical incision of approximately 1 cm is made in the treated areas.
The doctor inserts a cannula connected to the VASER device through this surgical incision.
The doctor applies VASER ultrasound waves to the fat to dissolve it.
The VASER waves also stimulate the skin to produce the necessary collagen for contraction after the sculpting procedure, resulting in a smooth appearance without sagging, wrinkles, or lumps.
The doctor inserts a thin medical tube to suction the dissolved fat from the body.
Finally, the surgical incision is closed with some cosmetic sutures, and the wound is covered with dressings.
Fat injection stage:
The suctioned fat is taken and filtered to remove impurities.
After filtering, the fat is sterilized and filled into specialized injection syringes.
The autologous fat is then injected into the desired areas to enhance their definition in the appropriate quantity.
The recovery period after 4D body sculpture:
After completing both stages of body sculpting, you can leave the hospital and start recovering at home. The doctor will provide you with some tips to aid in your recovery after the sculpting procedure, including:
Take antibiotics to prevent infections and pain relievers to manage swelling and bruising-related discomfort. Additionally, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine medications may be prescribed to alleviate itching and reduce swelling.
Wear a compression garment around the treated areas for a specified period to prevent fluid accumulation or lump formation. The doctor may also place a drain (a thin medical tube connected to a medical rubber container) near the treated areas to prevent fluid buildup.
Massage the treated areas for at least half an hour daily will significantly reduce swelling and bruising while promoting blood circulation and aiding the healing process.
Start walking as soon as possible to stimulate blood circulation and promote faster recovery.
Quitting smoking and avoiding alcohol, along with ensuring an adequate intake of vitamins, minerals, and sufficient water, can contribute to a better recovery. It also helps reduce swelling, bruising, and the risk of infection.
You should be able to resume your daily activities within a few days, and you can start engaging in light exercises such as walking after the sutures are removed, typically within one to two weeks.
Does 4D body sculpture have any risks?
4D body sculpting is considered a minimally invasive plastic procedure with a rapid recovery time. Although it doesn't have any significant risks, some side effects can occur in any case. These side effects can be easily overcome by following the doctor's instructions. They may include:
Swelling and bruising.
Body lumps.
Fluid accumulation.
However, there is no need to worry. All you need to do is strictly follow the doctor's instructions during the recovery period and communicate with him if you notice any other side effects.
Results of 4D body sculpture:
It will take several weeks for the swelling to subside and the bruising to gradually disappear. Most cases typically notice initial results within approximately eight weeks. The results continue to improve over the next six months until they stabilize completely. During the recovery period and after its completion, you will be able to monitor your progress with the doctor through regular visits. You can discuss with the doctor any questions or concerns you have about your health and progress. Once the final results appear, the scars will have fully healed, and there will be no trace of swelling or bruising. You will enjoy a well-proportioned body without localized fat or sagging. For more information about 4D body sculpting and other sculpting techniques, feel free to contact us or schedule a consultation with Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, a plastic and body sculpting specialist and the best plastic and hair transplant surgeon in Egypt.

This content has been reviewed by Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, a consultant in cosmetic surgery, body contouring, and natural hair transplantation.